We have Moved
We are excited to announce that our Windhoek office moved to a new location at Stone Square Building, Robert Mugabe Avenue—ready to serve you better!
MV Mediva Star Vessel
Our Namibian Flagged MV Mediva Star fishing vessel.
Frozen Horse Mackerel
At Mediva Fisheries, Horse Mackerel is our main product. We are pleased to be involved in the catching and marketing of nutritious natural product with recognized health benefits, thus we are in support of sufficient fish consumption locally and internationally.
School of Horse Mackerel
Horse Mackerel is our main product. Mediva Fisheries has perfected the best fishing techniques to deliver high quality horse mackerel to its customers.
Arandis Fish Shop
Visit Mediva Fisheries Arandis Fish shop where we are selling our products as well as processing.
Omungwelume Fish Shop
One of Mediva Fisheries fish shops where our products can be found.

Welcome to Mediva Fisheries (Pty) Ltd.

MEDIVA FISHERIES (PTY) LTD is a 100% Namibian wholly owned Company and has been in the fishing business since 1998. It has 7 shareholders of which 4 shareholders are formally disadvantaged women and a community development Company. The activities and operation of the company are overseen by a Board of Directors which sits at least 4 times a year. As a citizen, Mediva Fisheries shall adhere to Corporate Governance at all time.

Horse Mackerel   (Trachurus trachurus)


Angel Fish Dentex Hake Gunard Snoek Squid/Calamari


Our Objectives

MEDIVA FISHERIES objectives are to become a competitive Namibian fishing company able to exploit the marine resources in a more sustainable manner, create employment to young able Namibians, generate much needed revenue for the Government; contributing to the Fisheries Economic Value Addition (FEVA) and support Education Sector Namibia development in Namibia.


Our Fish Shops

Arandis Fish Shop



Mediva Fisheries Products Brand Identity

Oniipa Fish Shop
Woermann Brock - Ondangwa
Woermann Brock - Omwandi
Onethindi Fish Shop
Omashaka Fish Shop
Omungwelume Fish Shop
Okalongo Fish Shop
Okahao Fish Shop